Images of America:
Sand Lake
By Mary D. French & Robert J. Lilly
for The Sand Lake Historical Society
This book features 234
pictures and captions highlighting:
- West Sand Lake
- Averill Park and the Burden Lakes
- Sand Lake,
Glass Lake, and Crooked Lake
- Taborton
- Townwide Events and Organizations!
Price: $20.00; NYS Sales Tax is included. |

Images of America:
Sand Lake Revisited
By Mary D. French & Andrew St. J. Mace
for The Sand Lake Historical Society
This "sequel" to Sand Lake features 233 pictures and captions
from Sand Lake
- Farming and Industry
- Business
- Recreation
- Community Services
- Churches and Cemeteries
- People, Places and Residences!
Price: $20.00; NYS Sales Tax is included. |

Teddy Roosevelt Revisits
Sand Lake
Teddy Roosevelt (a.k.a. Joe Wiegand) “revisited” Sand Lake for a sold-out crowd at The Old Daley on Crooked Lake in April 2015. This DVD features the complete performance. (NOTE: The Roosevelt family stayed at Crooked Lake Hotel in the early 1900s!)
Bonus: also included is a 1989 interview with Al Coons, then-owner of the Crooked Lake Hotel, as it was known at the time (this interview was part of the Averill Park Schools Video Discovery Program 1985-1991).
$10.00 $5.00; NYS Sales Tax is included.
Buy both Sand Lake and Sand Lake Revisited books for a special package sale price of $35.00; NYS Sales Tax is included.
The above publications are available at programs and other events of The Sand Lake Historical Society. They are also available during regular business hours at the Office of the Sand Lake Town Clerk, at Sand Lake Town Hall, 8428 NY 66, Sand Lake, New York 12153; and at Young's Pharmacy and General Store in Averill Park and Dater House Antiques in West Sand Lake during their normal business hours
All of the above also are available by mail. Please send your check, payable to The Sand Lake Historical Society, along with your name and shipping address, to The Sand Lake Historical Society, PO Box 492, West Sand Lake NY 12196. Please include $5.00 for shipping (book[s]), $3.00 (DVD) or $6.00 for all three!
Books also are available for purchase online!